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From Fruit to Zoi

We are a dynamic fast growing company in the field of juice production and distribution of Fast-moving Consumer Goods.

Our Vision is to provide worldwide High-Quality products at Competitive Pricing, providing to the consumer Best value products.
“Zoi” in Greek means life, and we believe that Simplicity makes Life Extraordinary. Therefore, one of our main goals is to produce Pure, Simple and Minimalistic products.
Zoi Juices is our brand that embodies our Vision, High-Quality Juices at competitive prices packed in a unique and simple design. An Extraordinary product for the consumer.

100% Apple Juice
100 % Mix Juice Cocktail
Red Grape Nectar
100% Grapefruit Juice
Guava Nectar
Mango Nectar
100% Orange Juice
Peach Nectar
100% Pineapple Juice

If you are interested in"From Fruit to Zoi"please send us message here, We will take it seriously and contact you as soon as possible! Thank you!
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15362309995 0754 88485995

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