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Fruit Flavored Mineral Water

A century-old brand in the mineral water industry, a taste that never leaves the palate...

The story of delicious Sarıkız Mineral Waters dates back to the 1860s. The mineral water, which was used as a bath cure since it was not known to be potable and flowed along Sarıkız stream, has been analyzed with the spirit of vision and research and discovered to have healing properties. This fountain of health, which stood right in front of us but did not get the appreciation it deserved, has been handled with a different perspective and turned into a taste that our people have been consuming for a century.

This unique resource, which also became popular abroad, was sought after in pharmacies, even in many European countries. It has made a difference since it was a quality product to be exported.With the development of modern facilities required for both packaging and filling of the product, Sarıkız Mineral Water has assumed a strong presence in both domestic and foreign markets. Moreover, with the employment opportunities it has created, it has not only benefited health but also has made a considerable contribution to the national economy.

 The Legendary Sarıkız Mineral Water continues to be the choice of future generations with its state of the art modern facilities and technologies.
Sarıkız, which has gone through a complete renovation since 2007 and has increased its production capacity with its facilities equipped with the most modern technologies of today's world, has also undertaken a remarkable work on modernization. In addition to the existing factory, the construction of a new facility with the capacity to produce on a very large scale has made Sarıkız go through a comprehensive change, from label to bottle.

This proves the quality that is brought by Sarıkız, which offers a different perspective to the miracle of mineral water and has become a part of our tables for a century with the innovation projects it has developed. Sarıkız Mineral Water is making headway towards being a market leader with its strive for modern production and quality, and continues to represent our country abroad.


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