
【THAILAND】Fruits based snack products

The owner Mr. Jarungsak Chuapitiwong who has been in Interior Design and Construction Management for more than 25 years. His company tumover is nearly 50 million baht per year. He would like to diversify his business. He went to World of Food Asia 2015. Nowadays, Most of the people have more health consciousness. He was inspired by Fruits based snack products which all

member in family can enjoy together. It was a reason how Blue Ocean Power was borm in June 16' 2015 with our first proud brand 'Fruit Family'!

Blue Ocean Power also had a great strategic partner who get a lots standard such as GMP, HACCP, BRC,USFDA, Kosher and Halal to produce good quality products for sustainable growth.


If you are interested in"【THAILAND】Fruits based snack products"please send us message here, We will take it seriously and contact you as soon as possible! Thank you!
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